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10 Reasons That A Puzzle Is The Best Gift

Puzzle Mania is a hobby that spreads far and wide, much more than it seems. Puzzles for children, as well as puzzles for adults, can be really addictive and enjoyable and are consequently a really great gift.

People that haven’t been brought into the world of puzzles yet aren’t quite aware of the large variety available. As well as the standard puzzles (made of wood, metal, plastic, cardboard, foam, etc), there are also many innovative puzzles in 3D and even more recently in 4D.


What Makes Puzzles So Attractive To Children And Adults?

It’s precisely this variety that makes puzzles such an excellent gift for children. Not only are there an infinite amount of puzzles available for each age group, but also for every possible theme. Your children will love spending hours constructing their favorite characters in a puzzle that has been specifically prepared for their ability.


Reasons That Puzzles Are Such An Excellent Gift For Children

1. Puzzles Can Help To Calm Anxiety

Did you know that many people get hooked on puzzles during difficult times in their lives, like after a break-up, whilst quitting smoking etc? Puzzles are an excellent way to divert attention and also combat nerves and anxiety. If your child is particularly fidgety or they quickly lose attention, puzzles can be a great help to them.


2. Puzzles Provide Numerous Benefits For Learning

The ability to solve problems, to build and follow strategies, coordination, space, and visual awareness… the benefits of puzzles have been noted in lots of studies and are especially important in the early phases of learning.


3. They Provide An Alternative To A Screen

For sure your children spent many hours in front of a screen, right? Smartphones, video games, no to mention the television, have all become part of the main entertainment options. That doesn’t mean to say that they are bad, of course not, but they can’t be the only options. Puzzles can be a great alternative to entertain your children.


4. Puzzles Are Fun On Your Own And Also In A Group

Your children do not have to do puzzles on their own. In fact, puzzles are a great way to spend time with each other doing something fun, a calm game that implies a common objective and requires organization. Entertainment, socializing, and learning, all in one!


5. They Provide A Pastime That Builds An Eagerness To Overcome Obstacles

The difficulty of puzzles usually depends on their size. You may begin your child with a small puzzle, and then from there, increase the complexity. If your child continues this pastime, they will get a great sense of achievement when overcoming increasingly difficult challenges.


6. Puzzles Help To Increase Your Problem-Solving Ability.

A puzzle forces you to find solutions from small fragments of information. From this, small children learn to identify and develop their reasoning and problem-solving ability.


7. Puzzles Can Build A Tolerance Towards Frustration.

Another skill that can be very useful for young children. Puzzles don’t always come together at the first attempt, and they very often lead us into thinking we have a solution, that turns out to be wrong. This way, children must accept that not everything is achieved at the first attempt and that reaching goals require hard work and determination.


8. Puzzles Can Help Prevent Illnesses

There are studies to show that people who do puzzles, from an early age, have better mental health and also have less chance of developing illnesses such as Alzheimer or dementia.


9. Puzzles Help Ferment Creativity And Imagination

Imagining the image of a puzzle, finding new ways to organize the construction… all of this helps to develop a child’s imagination and creative capacity. Let’s not forget, that to begin with, a puzzle is made in the mind!


10. Puzzles Can Be Really Fun

This is one of the most important reasons! As well as the many benefits described, we must not forget that puzzles are a great pastime that will make afternoons flyby. Try them!


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